Wednesday 14 May 2014

Painting my room

On a sunny Saturday me and my family went to a huge shop GB. It was going to be my birthday soon and we were going to paint my room into a warm coulur. When we arrived we saw beautiful borders and millions of paint coulurs. We already had the material that my curtains would be made of.

First we decided on the border that didn't take long because ther was only two borders to choose from. Next we choose the paint coulur. The coulurs were kumara and evans bay.The kumara colour was light like a yellow peach and the evans bay colour was a tiny bit darker just like the sunset orange.

When we bought everything we needed (which included the rollers the paint and the border ) we went home  to have lunch.

After lunch we put all the painting tools in my bedroom and we went for a long long walk. During the walk me and my dad took photos of the city. We also meet a potographer.

By the time we got back from the walk, it was around 7:00 so we put Nikolai to sleep and went to start painting my room.  

By Natasha

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